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You might be doing Affiliate Marketing all wrong for all we know. (I know I was!)
In this blog post, I’m going to give you 5 tips that will help you make more money with affiliate marketing or help you to START to make money online with affiliate marketing, if this is your first time hearing this term!
And if it is your first time hearing of affiliate marketing, feel free to check out this blog to help you better understand: Affiliate Marketing for Beginners!
1. Use an Optin Page
An Optin page is where you direct your traffic and get the people that are really interested in what you’re offering, to drop their emails.
It’s best to offer something for FREE to give them a reason to put in their email. I use a FREE training series
This is an example of what an Optin page should look like: (this is mine)

Instead of sending people straight to the offer, you can use an Optin page to collect their emails and build your email list.
Once you’ve broken down the initial barrier to entry for people. And you’ve gotten the email and free gift transaction is out of the way, the chances of them purchasing increases!
And this is because they begin to know, like and trust you! This is by far the most important thing you can do in marketing.
It will put you ahead of all of the competition that just spams their following and lists with offer after offer…
You need to provide value up front – ALWAYS!
2. Use a Domain Email
How would you feel if you received a promotional email from an expert who uses @gmail or @yahoo email address?
You probably wouldn’t give them the time of day! (I know I wouldn’t!)
You need to get a custom email that is in line with your business name. For example, I have [email protected] and [email protected].
It’s not a proper business strategy to use email clients like gmail, yahoo or Hotmail for your email address. Moreover, these emails are not suitable for running an email marketing campaign. Chances are, your emails will end up in spam.
3. Buy a Domain Name That Makes Sense
So if you’re going to be running a niche site you would want the domain to be related to your niche. (there is some great comments in that Quora post in that link that will tell you exactly what a niche site is)
This means that if you’re running a dog grooming website, you want to try and have your main keyword (dog grooming) in your domain
However, for me – I have my personal brand and personal website where I do affiliate marketing, I could have focused more on the affiliate marketing side of it and put that in my domain but I wanted to focus more on the branding aspect, so I use my name in the domain:
https://thomasgaretz.com (my blog)
https://go.thomasgaretz.com (sub-domain for my affiliate marketing funnel)
Services like ClickFunnels that generate a domain for you, are usually like this:
(username of your email you signed up with) . clickfunnels . com
It just looks really unprofessional and you really don’t want your website to be indexed on google with that domain name!
4. Use a Bridge Page
What’s a Bridge page?
This is typically used as a TY page and it bridges the gap between the lead and the offer – it basically does the selling for you on automation!
The best way is to send people from your optin page to your bridge page (ty page) after opting in, rather than sending straight to the product or service from the optin page.
One way bridge pages are used is to help the lead begin to know, like and trust you. AND to add bonuses to the affiliate product, making it an irresistible offer!
Furthermore, Bridge pages are an opportunity for you to introduce yourself as an expert in your niche, which will strengthen your authority for selling affiliate products in your niche.
Just make sure to add the “bonus stack” at the bottom of the page to create that irresistible offer (this is a must in today’s day and age, even if the bonuses are simple) around the product or service you are selling:
I.e. If you sign up through the link below, you get access to: a free course, a free funnel, access to a private Facebook group, 30 minute coaching call, my personal email address, website review… etc etc.
Here is a picture of my entire bridge page with the bonus stack: (i tried to make it as small as possible, but the page is kind of long – apologies)

5. Use a Clear and Visible CTA
This is a crucial part of marketing that most people overlook. It’s not just about having a clear and concise Call-to-Action (CTA)
Your CTA should tell the visitor exactly what to do. This is because you want to elicit a strong response from your audience.
You can see the CTA I use on the bridge page above, you want the colors to pop, you want the copy (text on the button) to get straight to the point and tell them what they should do and what they will get when they click!
And that is the last tip I got for this blog…
Oh wait… I’ve Got a Bonus Tip For You!
Wait for it…wait for it!!
The most important thing, is that, you go through this training. LOL!!
It doesn’t just teach you about Affiliate Marketing, it will teach you the act of selling, building and joining online communities and everything you need to start and run a profitable business.
Not to mention, all of the free bonuses once you get your free trial of ClickFunnels!
It really change my life and it can do the same for you. All you have to do is put in the effort and take action.
And of course, implement and take advantage of the steps and resources laid out for you in the FREE training!
Thank you for reading,
‘Till next time!