With over 2 billion active users on YouTube, we all know that it is one of the most lucrative platforms for creators.
And the common misconception about YouTube is that you need to have an outgoing personality, have some expensive gear and be comfortable on camera.
Unfortunately, those are the 3 main reasons people don’t get started on YouTube and ALL 3 are completely FALSE.
- You can create YouTube videos if you’re an introvert
- You can definitely create videos with your cell phone (or a webcam like me)
Here are 3 YouTube Channel Ideas To Start in 2020 WITHOUT Showing Your Face
#1 Gaming Channels
I actually included 2 different types of gaming channels in the video.
The first channel is “Fortnite First.” What he does is takes around 10-15 minutes from a big twitch streamers stream, adds an intro/outro, edits it together and uploads it to his own YouTube channel. And inside the intro/outro, all he does is explain the video and ask the viewers to subscribe and what not.
Also, I said in the video that I’m not 100% sure if he has permission from all of these streamers, but he is absolutely crushing it with this strategy. He is almost at 1 million subscribers, and his videos get a crap ton of views!
Now, if I was going to do this strategy, I would do what the channel “Red Arcade” does. He takes short clips from streamers, many of whom just submit the clips to him so they can get more exposure for their channels. And what he does with the clips is he puts them all together and makes compilation videos.
Things like “5 best kills on Fortnite” or “epic Fortnite fails” things like that. These videos are absolutely CRUSHING it on YouTube right now. Mainly because they are so fast-paced and get a huge percentage watched since it’s basically 20 short 30 second clips in 1 longer video.
But if you don’t like gaming compilations, you could make a compilation channel for TikTok (or anything else that’s crushing it right now).
#2 Motivation Channels
I love motivation channels for many reasons. First of all, it gets a ton of views, which equals tons of money… but it’s more than that! I love them because they spread positivity and have a really good message. PLUS, it can help bring people up when they’re feeling down. I even did a complete video about this on my YouTube channel here.
But the way the channel in this video (Motivation Madness) does it, is just a little bit different. My video focused on using creative commons audio and then creating a simple video with that in the background.
What Motivation Madness does is he uses speeches from super famous people like Denzel Washington, Jack Ma, etc. and then adds his own content on top of it. Those are his more popular videos, but he also has videos from less famous people who he actually gets permission to use their content.
And I’m sure he didn’t get permission from Denzel Washington, but you have a certain amount of creative freedom when creating these types of videos (as long as you aren’t just blatantly stealing people’s content).
But when possible, try to get permission and then create your own video from their content. And always remember to link to their social media and anything else they want you to link to in the description, after getting permission from them.
#3 Music Channels
I think music channels are one of the best YouTube channel ideas without showing your face for quite a few reasons. The channel I showed in the video “Audio Library – Music For Content Creators” is a prime example of why it’s so powerful. Content creators are always looking for music to use in their YouTube videos and other content, and they make it super simple to do so.
I also did a full video on this strategy on my YouTube channel. But basically what you’re doing is reaching out to smaller artists on SoundCloud or other platforms and telling them that you will post their music on your YouTube channel (with a dope picture and an audio visualizer in the video) and then you will link to their social media and their music platforms to get them more exposure for free.
It’s a win-win situation for you and the artist because they get free exposure, and you get free content. With this strategy you can pump out content so fast it’s ridiculous! And like I said, you don’t have to show your face, but you also don’t even need to use your voice to create these videos! So it’s super dope for the introverts out there or those who don’t want to be on camera themselves.
Those are the 3 EASY YouTube channel ideas WITHOUT showing Your Face in 2020. But if you’re not particularly fond of those channel ideas, the main way I make money is with affiliate marketing…
…but this isn’t just any affiliate marketing, this is HIGH-TICKET affiliate marketing.
It’s super powerful not only because I earn money while I sleep (passive income) but because I can earn commissions of $1000 and even more… in just 1 single sale.
So if you’re more interested in learning about that, you can click the button below to get access now!
Thanks for reading,