What’s going on guys, Thomas Garetz here!
And in this video, I’m going to show you 5 tips that will help you get your first 1000 subscribers on YouTube in 2020
I can almost guarantee that if you follow all of these tips then you will have a much better chance to get your first 1000 subscribers on YouTube much faster…
…and probably much faster than it even took me to get 1000 subscribers because these are actual tips that I’ve learned from doing things through trial & error and you can learn these through this free blog post or YouTube video below.
But you’re going to want to make sure you read the entire post or watch the entire video so you don’t miss out on any of the steps because they all go hand in hand.
And just so you know that I’m not talking out of my beHIND here, let me just show you some of my results on YouTube in the last 28 days.
So you can see right here this is my channels back office.
And in the last 28 days you can see right here 28 days.

So I definitely know what I’m talking about and the tips & strategies you’ll learn are the exact strategies I’ve used to get to this point… so you definitely don’t want to miss out on these.
Also at the end, I’m going to show you a bonus that can make you even MORE money online.
So if you’re excited, Subscribe if you haven’t already…
…and let’s get into the post (or watch the video below, whatever you prefer).
Tip #1 – Mindset
Alright so the first tip that most people typically tell you to start with is to choose a niche, which is definitely a key tip that we will be discussing next…
But before any of that I truly believe the most important tip I can give, especially if you haven’t started YouTube yet… is having the proper mindset.
Because YouTube is a big commitment. You know this already if you’ve started your own channel..
But it’s going to take you much longer to create & edit a video than the ONE minute it takes to take a picture and upload it to Facebook or Instagram.
However, there’s a big reason why it takes this extra time…
And that’s because the videos you upload on YouTube don’t fade off into the abyss after 5 hours of posting (if that).
I literally have videos I created over a year ago on my channel that still get me views, subscribers, and money… to this day.
But when I post a picture on facebook it’ll last like a day and a picture on instagram lasts a few hours!
So yes, it’s definitely more work up front… but it continues to pay off for months and years to come.
And that’s a big problem with a lot of people.
All they see is how long it will take to do… not the insane amount of passive income that you can make from YouTube videos.
Because when starting out, things WILL be slow.
That’s honestly why so many people give up on their businesses because they’re so use to working a job and getting paid every hour worked.
And that’s not how it works with businesses or with YouTube…
But after a certain amount of hours and work you put in, you will make much more than you will ever make from an job that pays per hour.
So that’s why mindset is so important.
You have to try and remember why you started to begin with.
Whether that’s because you want freedom or you want to buy your parents a house or spend more time with your loved ones…
Because its not going to be easy… but it will be the most rewarding thing you ever do if you put in the work upfront.
So just make sure you don’t think that you will be getting rich overnight on YouTube like these gurus promise you…
This requires hard work and dedication… and there’s no shortcuts in business or in youtube.
Also, since we’re on the topic of shortcuts…
A lot of people think that buying views and subscribers or doing sub4sub is going to help.
And it will get your numbers higher, but not only is it against YouTubes terms and you can get your account banned for that…
But it actually ruins your channel.
People who buy views end up killing their average watch time on their videos because of it and people who do sub4sub end up having a higher subscriber amount but their videos have super low views so it makes their channel look even worse.
So make sure you’re going in with the right mindset and you don’t try and take shortcuts…
Because they really don’t exist.
I do have one tip I’ll be showing you that has allowed me to fast-track my subscriber count, but if you don’t watch all the way through you won’t get to see that, so make sure to keep watching!
Tip #2 – Picking The Right Niche
Now, picking the wrong niche could absolutely destroy your channel.
And a niche basically means picking an industry or a type or types of videos you’ll make around a specific industry.
Assuming you’ve already started YouTube, this would just mean making your videos more specific.
Which is something I see so many new YouTubers doing soooo wrong.
They just start uploading videos about the most random stuff.
Like they’ll be uploading videos about college one day, fitness the next day, and then football the next day.
And that’s just about the worst thing you can do for your YouTube channel.
Because any subscribers you to get, they may be interested in the video they watched that made them subscribe but if the other videos you make have nothing to do with that video…
then your subscriber count is basically just a vanity metric at that point with a bunch of people who aren’t even interested in your videos.
So when you’re first starting out you really want to try and choose a niche that has appeal to a crowd that is passionate.
A lot of people say you have to be passionate about what you talk about, and it’s definitely helpful for sure… but sometimes you just gotta try and find something that you like and that has a group of PEOPLE who are passionate about that niche.
Like for me, I really didn’t feel passionate about what I started with, but the longer I do YouTube I figure out what I’m passionate about and what you guys like the most.
But just try not to get hung up on this too much.
Because at the end of the day you can always switch your niche at anytime or start a new channel with a different niche.
But I will say that the 3 evergreen niches are health, wealth and relationships.
And those are the best niches to go into.
So you’ll want to choose a sub-niche of one of those main evergreen niches.
Like for example, for wealth… you have personal finance, make money online, etc.
For relationships you have parenting, dating, etc.
And you can go even more niched down than that too.
But it’s just about doing research on other YouTuber’s and finding out what you like the most and going with it.
Tip #3 – Level Up Your B.A.V.L.
Now the next tip I would give again assuming you’ve already started on YouTube and you’ve already picked your niche…
I would tell you to level up your B.A.V.L.
And you’ve probably never heard that before.
But all it means is:
- Background
- Audio
- Vdeo
- Lighting
Most people only talk about their audio video and lighting but the background can be just as important.
I mean have you ever watched a video with someone who’s recording in a messy room? I Know I haven’t.
And this doesn’t necessarily mean spending a bunch of money.
Upgrading your background could literally just mean cleaning up your room.
And as far as audio video and lighting…
my entire setup cost me less than $300.
So you don’t need some ridiculously expensive camera or lighting to make your setup look good.
And sometimes simple is better anyways.
These are just some of the things I’ll be teaching in my YouTube beta program, along with how I make high ticket commissions on YouTube.
So if you want to get a personalized experience where I walk you through step-by-step and support you on YouTube…
…go to https://HighTicketYT.com and apply for a free strategy session.
I have 1 spot left, so make sure you apply today before it’s too late.
But like I was saying, you don’t need to buy anything crazy.
The most expensive piece of gear I have is a $100 or $120 blue yeti microphone.
And there’s even budget microphones you could get that sound just as good.
Otherwise, I have a $50 webcam, some $10 light stands with DIY lighting from Home Depot.
And there’s so many videos out there that can help you figure out what works for your budget.
But honestly, this tip is pretty important.
Yes, you can use your cellphone and use a window for lighting – which is fine if that’s all you can afford…
But if you really want to take YouTube seriously, spending $200-$300 to upgrade your gear can make a huge difference and give your audience a better experience for sure.
This is honestly one of the most important tips I can give you for anything in life, espeically YouTube.
Going back to mindset, there are NO SHORTCUTS, period.
And if you want to be successful with anything… you have to be consistent and you have to focus.
Let me just tell you a quick story.
When I first started YouTube I wanted to upload 3 videos a week.
Before i ever uploaded my first video I recorded and edited 18 videos.
So that’s 6 weeks worth of videos, 6×3 is 18.
In 8 weeks, I ran out of videos.
So I only created 6 videos in 8 weeks.
The reason this happened is because I wasn’t focused.
Before I started on YouTube, all I was doing was focusing on creating those 18 videos and I crushed it.
But after I started posting, I started losing focus.
I started trying to do blogging, posting on linkedin, twitter, instagram, facebook. Fb groups, etc.
I even tried hiring a social media manager for $500 at one point.
Not to mention I was still working at this time.
So i couldn’t be consistent.
Then I decided I was going to upload 1 video a week, make that video high quality and stay consistent.
Then I started focusing on that and only that, along with my 1 support platform, which was my facebook.
And I actually started growing faster but uploading less.
So it’s absolutely crucial that you pick a upload schedule and you stay consistent and focus on that.
Don’t try to do all these other business models or platforms, pick your 1 main platform which should be youtube if you’re trying to grow on youtube, then pick your one support platform.
Some people use a second support platform, but it all depends on how much time you have to invest into your online business.
And while we’re talking about support platforms, this leads me into the next tip.
And I’m not even kidding about this.
In the last few months I’ve grew to over 75,000 followers on TikTok and it absolutely blew up my YouTube channel.
Nowadays I still get some views from TikTok but what tiktok allowed me to do was to show YouTube that my videos were getting good engagment and then YOuTubes alogorithm started pushing my content to more people on YouTube and it exploded my growth.
I truly believe this is the one thing that could be considered somewhat of a shortcut.
Because it definitely fast-tracked my subscirber count 100%.
It took me over 8 months to get to 500 subscribers and as I showed you at the begining I gained over 3700 subscribers in 28 days.
That’s the power of YouTube and TIkTok combined.
And I don’t know if TikTok will be like this forever, it probably wont.
Even today, more people are getting on tiktok.
But still, the organic growth it can give you is insane.
However, a lot of people are doing things wrong.
They are only focusing on TikTok.
But they aren’t syphoning those people onto other platforms that will be around way longer…
Like YouTUBE.
Which is what I do in all of my tiktok videos.
You can click here to follow me over there and see the type of videos I create.
But basically everytime I upload a YouTube video, I make a shorter version of that video on TIkTok and at the end of the video I tell people to go watch the full video on my YouTube channel and link to my YouTube channel in my tiktok bio.
Then right when my YouTube video goes live, that tiktok goes live and the video gets so much more views and engagement and it shows YouTube that people like the video…
And that helps fast-track your growth like crazy!
So I definitely suggest hopping on TikTok and following all of these tips.
These are just a drop in the hat of what I’ll be teaching in my program, at https://HighTicketYT.com
I will also be showing you exactly how I’ve been able to earn $1000 commissions on auto-pilot from YouTube.
Which is the bonus I mentioned at the beginning.
If you click the link here, that is my main program that allows me to earn commissions like THIS:

And all I do is create simple YouTube videos.
I don’t have to sell anyone, deal with product cost, customer support, anything.
So if you want to learn how to make $1000 commissions:
And if you want me to walk you through step-by-step how to do this all for yourself and support you the entire way, go to https://highticketyt.com and apply for a free strategy session and we can see if you’d be a good fit for the last open spot.
Otherwise, if you want to do it all on your own… just click here and you can get started today!
That’s all I got!
Until next time,
P.S. Want to start a YouTube channel but you don’t want to show your face? You can read this blog post here.
Rather watch a video? This video below shows you how to re-upload simple YouTube videos and make $5000+ per month! Check it out: