ClickFunnels Order Bump Not Working Explained:
If your ClickFunnels order bump not working is getting frustrating beyond belief…
I know EXACTLY how you’re feeling.
It took me HOURS and HOURS of frustration to FINALLY figure out the solution…
And if you’re more of a visual learner…
I show you how to fix it, step-by-step, in the video below:
The 2 Reasons Why Your Order Bump Isn’t Working:
The nice thing about this problem, is that there is only really 2 problems that could be going on with your order bump…
The first one (which is probably why you’re here) is that your price isn’t dynamically updating when people are ticking the order bump box.
This is such a simple fix.
In ClickFunnels funnels, they have an order selector on their order forms automatically.
They do this because some people have more than 1 variation for their products…
But if you’re only using 1 variation and selling one type of product on your order form… (which is the best bet, because it’ll increase your conversions)
…You want to use an order summary, rather than order selector.
However, if you only add an order summary…
It’ll look silly, because you’ll have an order selector and an order summary with one of them showing both products and the other, not…

So this is what you’ll need to do to fix this:
- First, you edit the settings on the order selector.

- Then, your press the eye to “hide” it. (not delete it – very important)

And then you’re all set!

Fixing this issue will make sure people aren’t ordering things without knowing OR they actually DO know if they are ordering it, as it’ll actually update after clicking.
This will give you less charge-backs/returns! (very important)
Now, the second issue that you you may be having is if your order bump isn’t adding the product at all…
And this is an issue inside of “products” where you add products to your order form.
And this is what you’ll need to do to fix this:
- First, click the “products” tab.

- Then, you’ll want to create the product and fill out all necessary options.

- Lastly, make sure you check the box that says “Should this product be the bump on the order page if present?”

After you do all of this, your ClickFunnels order bump not working will be a thing of the past!
If you have any other questions, make sure to join our Private Facebook Community and I can help you with anything needed!
Or if you’re looking for some additional ClickFunnels tutorials, here’s a ClickFunnels playlist on my YouTube channel that’s full of VALUE!
Anyways, that’s all I got!
Thank you so much for reading, I truly hope that this helped you with your ClickFunnels order bump not working…
I wasted so many hours trying to figure this out and I just couldn’t find the answer anywhere on the internet!
Once again, thank you!
And I’ll see you on the inside,