Best Online Business in 2020
In this video/article I’m going to show you the best online business to start in 2020.
But you’re going to want to make sure you watch/read the entire thing.
Because I’m going to show you how to start this exact business with the same exact framework that has allowed me to make $5,000 in the last 35 days…
Mind you, this is with 100% FREE TRAFFIC, while still working my job and without doing any selling myself.
Now, I’ll show some proof here just so you know I’m not talkin out of my arss…
…OR making it up (like some people on the internet do).

However, I don’t want to discount the amount of hard work this took.
It’s definitely not easy…
But it is VERY Simple.
And it’s definitely not FAST…
But it is PROVEN.
So without any further ado, lets get into it!
The Business Model
First things first, lets just address the elephant in the room
I’m sure you’re wondering what business model this is (if it’s your first time watching me) which if it is, welcome, my name is Thomas Garetz and I teach you how to start your online business and make money online, using affiliate marketing.
So, you can probably guess it… but the business model is affiliate marketing.
This isn’t just “affiliate marketing”
This is HIGH-TICKET affiliate marketing.
That $5,000 I made…
How many sales you think that required?
I can tell you right now, if I was making $100 commissions, I would need 50 sales to reach $5,000…
However, with high-ticket affiliate marketing…
I made that same $5,000 with 3 SALES.
And that’s the power of high-ticket affiliate marketing.
You’re doing the same amount of work, but with a much HIGHER reward.
Now, if you’re not interested in high-ticket affiliate marketing, that’s fine… you can check out this video here and watch some of my videos about ClickBank affiliate marketing.
And there’s nothing wrong with that.
The High-Ticket Program
But the truth about a good high-ticket program is that you aren’t going to succeed… unless you invest in yourself.
Especially if you’re just starting out.
Sure, you can get started with the same program for $7…
…but if you want to actually PROMOTE this program yourself, you have to be willing to invest in yourself.
Because they don’t take chances on just anyone promoting their program, especially beginners.
They only want people who are willing to invest in themselves and learn how to do things the RIGHT way.
But regardless, you can still get started for less than the price of a large coffee to see if it resonates with you.
Me personally, I couldn’t make any money until I got started with this program and I invested in myself.
So I definitely suggest it.
And I’m not guaranteeing you’ll make any money…
But I can promise you that this program’s training and their conversion rates are next level.
PLUS, they have a sales team that closes the leads for you.
So again, you don’t have to do any of the selling yourself!
They get on the phone with your leads and close them on the high ticket products.
But anyways, I digress.
If you’re following this so far, you should now have your business model (niche) and your product to promote, along with, of course, the training that comes along with the product… all figured out!
Now, the next step is… you need to pick a platform to create content on.
Picking a Platform
Sure, you can try to do paid ads.
But just starting out I 100% suggest using free traffic.
That’s what I focus on and that’s your best bet, in my opinion.
For this program, if you plan to promote it, I definitely suggest YouTube.
That’s where I’ve been having my success.
However, you can make any platform work…
Facebook is good, Blogging, Podcasting…
But here’s the KEY…
Not 2, not 3…
The reason why we only want one is because you want to be laser focused as well as keeping things SIMPLE.
Also, because you are going to be growing your email list along with it.
And that brings us into the next step.
Getting Prepared
So, getting prepared…
What does that even mean?
Well, it will mean something different for every person and every persons budget, platform, etc.
And there’s also 2 parts to getting prepared.
Part 1 is for content.
Preparing for Content
So, for example, if you’re doing blogging and I’m doing YouTube…
You getting prepared would be like:
Needing to get web hosting, making a website, etc.
And me getting prepared would be like:
Needing to get a micorphone, a webcam, etc.
And after you get prepared for your content…
Preparing for Software
Now, software is a key thing to having the BEST online business…
…honestly, ANY online business in 2020 NEEDS software.
And there are 2 key software you absolutely NEED. (it can be 1, if you’re super broke)
I personally use ClickFunnels to build my landing pages “funnels or websites”
And that’s what they will teach you in the training, as well.
Plus, if you do use ClickFunnels they have pre-made funnels that they give to you…
They are good funnels, but that’s what everyone else uses too.
So, if you sign up with my link for a free trial of ClickFunnels…
…you will get my exclusive, custom made funnel for the product as well!
Now, ClickFunnels is $97 a month (at the lower plan – which is all you need).
And I know that may seem expensive, but it will pay for itself eventually.
If you’re shorter on your budget, I understand. This next software can be used in place of it.
You’ll also need it regardless, so you won’t be spending any extra money.
And this next software is called ConvertKit.
It’s an email software.
And that’s what you will need to use to collect & grow your email list, as well as, send emails.
However, you can also create landing pages inside of ConvertKit.
And it only costs $30 a month!
So, I would definitely suggest that if you’re short on money.
Now, ConvertKit created a free plan literally like a week or two ago…
However, you won’t have any automation or sequences built in.
You will be able to build landing pages, collect emails and send out broadcast emails…
But you won’t have any automation, unfortunately.
So if you’re REALLY short on budget, you could make the free plan work too!
And now, you can move on to the 5th and final step:
Getting Traffic/Creating Content
So, this is where you focus 100% of your efforts.
Nothing else matters.
You just want to focus on creating valuable content… CONSISTENTLY.
I’d say the more, the better.
But you don’t want to sacrifice quality.
Just pick an amount that works for you and stay consistent.
Algorithms love consistency.
And if you’re like…
I don’t know how to create content, that’s when the training from the program comes in handy!
It teaches you everything.
Also, our good friend YouTube is great for teaching you how to do things.
Between this training, mentors and YouTube…
I now know more about YouTube and this online game than I ever thought possible.
Also, if you’re confused at all – feel free to leave a comment on the video and let me know! (I ALWAYS respond)
With that being said, thank you so much for watching/reading!
I really appreciate it!
If you enjoyed the video/article, make sure you smash the like button!
…But make sure you destroy the subscribe button and notification bell too!
Also if you want to get started with your own high-ticket, high-profit online business…
Furthermore, if you want to join me over on my Facebook group, I post there every single day and you can connect with me further there as well!
That’s all I got!
Thanks for watching/reading!
See you on the next one,